The pressure of society for real access to environmental justice on a global scale calls for more suitable instruments such as an International Court of the Environment

The speeding up and worsening of the ecological crisis, the increase in number of environmental disputes over damage done to the environment and over the inequitable distribution of common resources, call for a more adequate and effective model of environmental governance at the international level.

Global critical problems such as climate change, biodiversity, water shortage, need an adequate legal answer at all levels. It does not seem realistic, even in legal terms, to go on accepting only the horizontal national dimension for the protection of the environment.

Since 2015, the number of climate lawsuits brought globally has more than doubled. This trend is accelerating and expanding.

The pressure of society for real access to environmental justice on a global scale, together with the evolution of international environmental and human rights law, call for the better definition of the obligations of the States and other parties and for more suitable instruments at the international level such as an International Court of the Environment for their enforcement.

Una Giustizia obbligatoria anche nei confronti degli Stati per le violazioni delle leggi internazionali in tema di ambiente comune, come proposto dall’ICEF fin dall’aprile 1979 presso l’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Roma.